Support the al fresco corridor in downtown Napa!

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Greetings supporters of Al Fresco Napa!

The City of Napa & the Napa City Council has decided that the public is better served by opening up the 800 block of Main Street rather than keeping it closed as it has been for the past two years through COVID-19.

We feel the City of Napa and the citizens of Napa were granted a rare gift with a small glimpse of what a street in Napa can be without traffic. The 800 block of Main Street runs adjacent to Veterans Park and the Napa River with seven storefronts that offer al Fresco dining and wine tasting. What had been created was a safe, slow, and well-appreciated corridor.

As requested by the City Council (view request), our group Al Fresco Napa came to the table with an offer (view proposal) of $250k towards the stated costs of such closure and we asked for matching funds from the City of Napa. We showed grants available for such an urban project of this street conversion. We brought a world-class Civil Engineer, Sherwood Engineers, and a Design Firm, SWA Group to the table in an effort to help convert this block of Main Street. The Napa City Council said NO!

We appreciate both council members Mary Louros and Liz Alessio giving full support to this initiative. As well, Council Bernie Narvaez and Beth Painter have opened the door for working with us on an amendment to the Downtown Specific Plan that would allow for the permanent closure, however, this process can take up to a year to clear, if cleared.

Get active, get involved.

Help with getting Napa on the path to a walking & biking city that is safe, slow and pedestrian friendly. Remember as citizens of Napa that the city staff works on your behalf and that the members of the City Council are elected officials that speak for the citizens, use your voice and VOTE!

We ask that you write to the city council members with your thoughts and cc’ your letter to the city clerk to be read at the opening of a Council meeting.

How to voice your thoughts:

  1. Write to Napa City Council:

    Napa City Mayor, Scott Sedgley:
    Napa Council Member Liz Alessio:
    Napa Council Member, Beth Painter:
    Napa Council Member Bernie Narvaez:
    Napa Vice-Mayor, Mary Louros: 
    City Manager Steve Potter: 
    Always CC any correspondence to the Napa City Council members to

    Copy & Past all Contacts:,,,,,,

    “Any comment of 500 words or less (per person, per item) will be read into the record if: (1) the subject line includes “COMMENT TO COUNCIL FOR (council’s meeting date) MEETING – PLEASE READ”; and (2) it is received by the City Clerk prior to the time for public comment during the meeting for that agenda item.” (

  2. Show up to the Napa City Council meeting and sign up to speak. (
    You will be given 3 minutes at the start of the meeting to address Napa City Council.

  3. Scroll to sign our petition.

Sign The Petition

Show your support to Napa City Council by signing this petition to keep the 800 block of Main Street closed to traffic. Help our community create a vibrant corridor extending through Veterans Park to the riverfront that is safe and void of traffic for pedestrians, children playing in the park, and al fresco dining. By signing this petition you help show Council that the closure of the 800 block of Main Street is what our community supports.

Please sign below…

Join over 2,025 supporters!



Recent comments from our Napa community…

The street is so much more pleasant, safe and inviting when it’s closed to traffic. They should have done this ages ago.
— Meghan Z.
Continue Napa Valley’s ability to adapt.
— Greg F.
Napa deserves a dining row supporting safe River-side dining and less vehicles.
— The Parise Family
It make downtown Napa a more fun and lively place. More inviting and exciting.
— Alison W.
Am a 60 year resident of Napa and have advocated for outdoor dining for many years. We are the culinary epicenter of the world and the last to enjoy outdoor dining, with the best weather. Outdoor dining here should be a compliment to enhance our best eateries. Please.
— Don S.
I’m signing because the Main Street is unnecessary and an impediment to enjoyment of the city and river by those who spend money - isn’t that what Napa wants? Reopening the roadway through this section is counterproductive and ill-advised.
— Gregory W.
This provides much needed outdoor seating and amazing ambiance for napa.
— Amber M.
This is the best use of space - it diminishes traffic and congestion, increases revenue and broader engagement across all restaurants on the street and is a way more fun and special way to dine in the Napa Valley!
— Brittany D.

Our Mission

Support the closure of the 800 block of Main Street!

Downtown Napa enjoys a beautiful park on the river with views, events, and an abundance of foot and bike traffic. Our mission is to keep this section of Main Street closed to vehicle traffic to allow for a safe, family-friendly, al fresco corridor for pedestrian use and outdoor dining.


Photo by Napa Valley Register


Why This Is Important

Downtown Napa is a bustling area with commerce, food, drink, parks, and events.  By keeping the 800 block of Main Street closed to vehicle traffic, we as a community can create a safe, vibrant corrridor that extends through Veterans park to the edge of the Riverfront. This European-Esque theme slows down our Main Street traffic and makes it safe for pedestrians, children playing in the park, and al fresco dining.

Although this effort began as a way to help keep restaurants open during the pandemic, our local community has shown an outpouring of support, enjoyment, and enthusiasm for this road closure. Therefore, this petition is meant to show Napa City Council how much our community desires to keep the 800 block of Main Street closed to vehicle traffic.

On Tuesday, July 26th, Napa City Council plans to vote on reopening the block, which has been recommended by the City. Let’s come together with the shared goal to create a vibrant, safe, open-air corridor we can all continue to enjoy.

Please scroll up to sign now…

Thank you, Napa!